Every Australia Day {or invasion day if you prefer} has special significance for me, particularly as an expatriate. You would be forgiven for thinking that it engenders a longing for the sights, smells and sounds of home. There are certainly many occasions where you may have a point. But on the occasion of our National Day, it is for one reason alone . . .
There is a favourite year, it cannot be denied. The songs from which, are a constant in our home and regularly pop-up on playlists that we throw together for all manner of reason. The fondest memory I have of this album was @ our wedding reception. We had given Phil-the-Magician the thumbs up, to play anything that features on a Hottest 100 Album. As I began bopping away to the not-so-sweet refrains of Technohead's, I Want To Be A Hippy {Go on - click on the link} my new husband bolted from the dance floor and shut the song DOWWWN! Phil-the-Magician then played a Spice Girl's tune {no, the link is not supplied within this post - thank you very much AND no, it was not on a Hottest 100 album}. To this day, I am yet to forgive my Mr for such a grievous trespass! Moving on . . . It was in the great year of my favourite Hottest 100, that I enjoyed sweet redemption and a new lease of life!
- I survived
- I suffered through my first faltering attempts @ University life
- I saw snow and skied for the first time
- I met the Mr
- I rented my first 'home'
- I discovered the sweet delights of drunkeness
- I toked and philosophised
- I supported the North Queensland Cowboys in their inaugural year
- I road-tripped and camped out
- I began working full-time with kidlets
- I hoped and I felt FREE

This year the Mr and I delayed until Friday the 27th. We fired up the barbie, hung the Aussie flag, blew up the kangaroo and beach ball and transformed our dining table into a ping-pong table. After many failed attempts to download and play the countdown, we gave up and played the Hottest 100 - 2010 instead :)